Current courses
Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics, Spring 2025
Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics, Spring 2025
Graduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
An introduction to parallel computing in the context of scientific computation.
Graduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
Numerical methods for initial value problems and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations. Emphasizes practical solution of problems using Matlab, Python and/or C++.
Graduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
Covers interpolation and approximation of functions, numerical differentiation and integration, basic methods for initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, and basic approximation methods for one-dimensional initial-boundary value problems. Topics focus on algorithm development and the theory underlying each method.
Graduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
The efficient solution of dense and sparse linear systems, least squares problems and eigenvalue problems. Elementary and orthogonal matrix transformations provide a unified treatment. In addition to algorithm development, the course emphasizes the theory underlying the methods.
Undergraduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
The efficient solution of dense and sparse linear systems, least squares problems, and eigenvalue problems. Elementary and orthogonal matrix transformations provide a unified treatment. Programming is in MATLAB, with a focus on algorithms.
Undergraduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
Numerical solution of linear and nonlinear equations, interpolation and approximation of functions, numerical integration, floating-point arithmetic, and the numerical solution of initial value problems in ordinary differential equations. Student use of the computer is emphasized.
Undergraduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
An introduction to parallel computing in the context of scientific computation.
Undergraduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
Advanced algorithms central to scientific and engineering computing. Topics include solution of linear systems of equations, functional approximation, initial-value problems, and boundary-value problems. Special attention is given to algorithm derivation and implementation.
Undergraduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
An elementary survey course that includes techniques for root-finding, interpolation, functional approximation, linear equations, and numerical integration. Computational work focuses on the Python and C++ programming languages using Linux.
Undergraduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
An elementary survey course that includes techniques for root-finding, interpolation, functional approximation, numerical differentiation and numerical integration. Special attention is given to MATLAB programming, algorithm implementations, and library codes. Students registering for this course must also register for an associated computer laboratory.
Undergraduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
Matrices and linear equations, Gaussian elimination, determinants, rank, geometrical notions, eigenvalue problems, and coordinate transformations, norms, inner products, orthogonal projections, Gram-Schmidt and least squares.
Undergraduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
A continuation of Calculus 2. Topics include arametric equations, polar coordinates, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, and vector analysis.
Graduate, Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics
Inaugural SMU HPC workshops, sponsored by the SMU Center for Scientific Computation. These focused on general high-performance computing computing, with specific instruction on using the new SMU ManeFrame cluster.
Undergraduate, University of California, San Diego
Floating point arithmetic, direct and iterative solution of linear equations, iterative solution of nonlinear equations, optimization, approximation theory, interpolation, quadrature, numerical methods for initial and boundary value problems in ordinary differential equations.
Undergraduate, University of California, San Diego
Ordinary differential equations: exact, separable, and linear; constant coefficients, undetermined coefficients, variations of parameters. Systems. Series solutions. Laplace transforms. Techniques for engineering sciences. Computing symbolic and graphical solutions using MATLAB.
Undergraduate, Rice University, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Classical and numerical solution techniques for ordinary and partial differential equations. Fourier series and the finite element method for initial and boundary value problems arising in diffusion and wave propagation phenomena.
Undergraduate, Rice University, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Equilibria and the solution of linear systems and linear least squares problems. Dynamical systems and the eigenvalue problem with the Jordan form and Laplace transform via complex integration. Optional 1-credit laboratory motivates concepts from the course via physical experiments involving circuits, spring networks, and vibrating mechanical systems.
Evaluations from